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The Top Tips To Defy Time & Not Look Your Real Age Here In Australia.

Nobody is saying that you don’t have to age gracefully but there are no rules saying that you can’t try to make yourself look younger for longer. Gravity has a way of catching up on us after a while and the first sign of ageing usually shows in the skin on our faces and the forming of lines and wrinkles. It’s great that you are looking for ways to stay younger for longer for as long as you possibly can. Thanks to modern technology, there are a number of things that we can put into place that will allow us to defy time and do not look our real age here in Australia.

One of the first things you need to invest in is affordable retinal serum that will help to make your tired eyes look better and will help to keep the bags away that tend to age you many years. This is money very well spent and it provides an excellent return on your overall investment. This is just one way to help you to turn back time a little and the following are some others that you might want to adapt into your daily life.

  • Apply sunscreen every day – It is fair to say that we do get our fair share of sunshine here in Australia and so we all need to be applying sunscreen to our faces throughout the day in order to stay looking younger. The UV rays are one of the major causes of people ageing before their time and so always make sure that you apply it first thing in the morning before you leave your home and throughout the day as well.
  • Invest in good sunglasses – The same rules apply here when it comes to UV rays because they can damage not only your eyes but the areas around them as well. Try to invest in a pair of sunglasses with bigger than normal frames and lenses, so that the whole area around your eyes is protected. If there was ever a time not be spending money on cheap knockoffs then this is it.
  • Moisturise your hands – Your hands and your face are the two big giveaways when it comes to how old that you look. Invest in a quality hand cream that will reduce wrinkles on your hands and leave them smooth every single day. Be sure to buy one with UV protection so that you don’t experience age spots on your skin either.

How you live your life is also incredibly important as well, so make sure that you are eating a healthy and balanced diet. This should include lots of green vegetables and lots of fruit. Be sure to eat oily fish at least a couple of times a week and if you wear make-up, start to go for lighter colours as you get older. Exercise is also an important component when it comes to looking younger, so get out there and do some.

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